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Author: Kris
How to write a great LinkedIn summary?
LinkedIn is the place to be if you’re looking for a job, and learning how to write a great LinkedIn summary can help you immensely! However, creating or optimizing a LinkedIn profile can be daunting, especially if you are not sure where to start or what to write. Well, you have to start somewhere! That…
Can I have an employment gap in my CV?
If you’ve never had an employment gap in your CV, it is very likely you have one now due to the COVID-19 situation that hit us all hard. Oftentimes, people wonder is it OK to have an employment gap in their CV. Let’s look at the question of employment gaps a bit closer, as we…
Can I ask to stay working from home?
We definitely live in uncertain times, and the COVID-19 situation has taken its toll on all of us in one way or another. Most of us started working from home back in March of 2020. However, things are changing and at the time of the update of this article in March 2022, we see most…
Are cover letters mandatory in job applications and should I write one?
Cover letters are something that many jobseekers are confused about. What’s their purpose and impact on the job search? Do you, as a job seeker, really should bother writing one? Do people even read the? If these are some of the questions on your mind, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll…
How to Prepare for a Job Interview?
In order to answer the question how to prepare for a job interview, you need to know what is it that you’re trying to achieve. How to prepare for a job interview is a big and important question. Because it’s so important, there’s a lot of materials about it online. If you search for “how…
How Should I Behave on LinkedIn?
Everyone has heard of a professional social media platform and many wonder how to behave on LinkedIn and how to leverage their LinkedIn profile. If you’re one of those people, then join the club! Many LinkedIn users are concerned about the platform because they understand the impact it has. Maybe you’re even asking yourself, “How should I…
Can I list online courses and certificates in my CV?
Online courses and certificates have always been around; we all know that. However, thanks to social distancing and the COVID-19 situation, online courses became more popular than ever! It’s hard to believe that only a few years ago this was even a question – Can I list online certificates in my CV and Are those…
What is the new normal and how will it affect us?
Governments, the media, and employers across the world started using the term “new normal” in 2020. But what is the new normal and how will it affect me and you? What does it mean to business professionals? And how will it affect job seekers? Is remote work the new normal? While some are still getting…
How to prepare for video interviews?
Video interviews have always been a part of the recruitment process, that’s a fact. They are an amazing way to get in touch with candidates all over the world, and not just with those who live in the city where the company is based. If you’re actively looking for a job during this COVID-19 situation,…
How to find remote work?
It is time to embrace remote work! Find out how and where to look for your next remote position.