How to prepare for video interviews?

Video interviews are super handy.

Video interviews have always been a part of the recruitment process, that’s a fact. They are an amazing way to get in touch with candidates all over the world, and not just with those who live in the city where the company is based. If you’re actively looking for a job during this COVID-19 situation, you probably have noticed that video interviews are extremely popular. This has actually been the case for quite some time now, which makes sense – technology has developed immensely over the past decade. However, the coronavirus crisis has made this step in the hiring process extremely popular. Plus, everyone is now aware of just how great it is.

In this article, we will go over the types of video interviews and a few tips on how to prepare for them.

Types of video interviews

First off, let’s distinguish video interview types!

Obviously, we have the standard video interview during which a candidate is talking to the interviewer (one or more). These video interviews are live and you need to have an application to be able to attend. There are different apps out there that are used for conducting video interviews. The most common ones are Skype and Zoom, but lately, WhatsApp interviews became an option, too.

Now, the second type of video interview is a pre-recorded one. What happens here is, you do not talk to the interviewers directly, but you see the interview questions on your screen. And then you video record your answer. You are then prompted to upload the answer, or in some cases, this will be done automatically in the recruitment tool which the company is using for the video interview.

You might not know this, but video interviews do not have to be “live”. And by “live”, I mean, you do not have to talk to an actual human being during it.

How to prepare for video interviews

For some people, video interviews cause nervousness and anxiety.

It’s true that these can be awkward and it’s mostly for technical reasons like a screen freeze or a delay. In order to avoid this, you need to make sure your internet connection is stable. If you share your wi-fi with household members, ask them to turn it off for the duration of your video interview. That way, you’ll at least cover the basic requirement.You need to prepare for a video interview just like you would for a face-to-face one.

When it comes to preparation for the interview itself, the process is pretty much the same as for any other interview. Meaning, you should: practice your communication skills and dress appropriately.

  • research the company and interviewers (if known)
  • research the company’s job interview process
  • practice speaking clearly and with proper intonation
  • dress appropriately

During the video interview itself, look at the camera as much as you can while talking because that is equal to looking in the interviewer’s eyes. Remember, if you look at the screen, the interviewer will be able to tell the difference.

When listening to the interviewer, look at the screen so you can really focus on their facial expressions and body language.

Video calls and interviews are the future.Tricks for a successful video interview

If you don’t do video calls often, I would suggest calling your family and/or friends a few times before you have the interview. This will depend on how much time you have to prepare, but getting used to this way of communication will help you feel more comfortable during the video interview.

You can also video record yourself answering to the most commonly asked interview questions, such as these. But your best bet is to find out about the interview process for that specific company and then record your answers for those.

And there is another thing that can help, and that would be reaching out to a certified career coach who can help you prepare for the video interview.

Remember, video interviews are here to stay, so you better get comfortable with them.

Need help to get to the interview stage?

To get to the interview stage, you need to have a great CV. If you’re struggling to get replies to job applications, we’ve got just the thing for you – our step-by-step CV writing guide. Follow the writing principles outlined in this book and see how your life changes for the better! Of course, you can also reach out to us, and we’ll take care of your CV and cover letter.

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