Why can’t I pass the interview stage?

There are plenty of reasons why you're not passing the job interview.

You’re all hyped when you get that invite to the interview but you can’t pass the interview stage? No matter how hard you try, something’s just not right.

Well, job interviews are complicated, and sometimes you get stuck and start to wonder why can’t you pass the interview stage!

Everyone knows the interview stage makes or breaks the candidate. If you’ve been invited to an interview,  congratulations! Truly, that is a big achievement! If you think it’s not, think again.

How many applications do you think the recruiters and hiring managers have seen? Do not belittle your success but, also make sure you don’t take it for granted – an interview is just an interview, it doesn’t mean you already got the job. You still need to pass the interview stage, and nowadays, that stage consists of several rounds of interviews.

A lot of people who opt for a professional CV writing service think that will lead them to the desired position. But actually, this is not really the case. It is only half true! Meaning an optimized and professionally written CV will get you to the interview stage, but the rest is up to you. If you get a lot of replies to job applications and you get a lot of positive feedback, that means your CV and cover letter are good. So, we could say you got the first part figured out.

But what if you have a lot of interviews and you can’t seem to get past the first round? This can cause great disappointment and you can even start doubting yourself. If you are in this position, try following our tips and see how beneficial those are to you personally! We’d like to ask you to follow the tips and get in touch with us with your comments and results. 🙂

#1 Do your researchConnect with others - they can help you.

Surely, you’ve heard this one many times before. Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize it time and time again. People forget how much this can help! In today’s world, when all the information is right at your fingertips, there’s absolutely no excuse for you not to prepare for the interview. It is just a matter of will and desire. You need to learn as much as you can about the position you’ve applied for, the company, and the interviewers (if they are known to you). If you want to pass the interview stage, you better roll up your sleeves and do the research.

#2 Connect with insiders

The next tip we’ve got on how to pass the interview stage is to connect with company insiders.

Maybe you know someone who knows someone and can get in touch with the person who is already working at the company you’re interviewing for. Don’t be shy, share what you’re up to on Facebook, X, and LinkedIn…reach out to people, and see what happens. You never know who might help you!

#3 Don’t change who you are

No matter what you learn about the company, position, or the interviewers, keep in mind (if successful) this will be your reality for the next who knows how long! If you get a job based on something you’re not, you will not be happy. It will be extremely difficult to pretend to be something you are not day in and day out and no one can do that for long. So, to pass the interview stage, definitely be who you are!

#4 Be in the momentTo pass the interview stage, you need to listen to the questions.

Often, people talk too fast and don’t think about what they’re saying. They sometimes even don’t understand the question but proceed to answer it anyway. Interviews are a great opportunity for you to ask for clarifications and additional questions. This actually shows you’re really interested in the conversation and you want to respond in the best possible way. Breathe, listen carefully, and think before you open your mouth. Don’t let the nervousness get to you!

#5 Dress comfortably

Everyone’s talking about dressing appropriately, but no one mentions you have to be comfortable! Why? Because if you are not comfortable, you will keep thinking about the way you look instead of focusing on the interview itself. If you usually don’t wear high heels or you’re uncomfortable in suits – pick something else! There are plenty of professional-looking, comfortable clothes out there and you don’t have to do everything other people are doing!

#6 Take notes & reflect

As soon as your interview ends, sit down somewhere and write your observations, feelings, and thoughts about the interview. Replay what you were asked in your mind and share it with yourself in the form of notes, audio, or video recordings.

Something that you’ll go over when you get home. Reflect on what you’ve noticed, e.g. When they asked me what my weakness is, I said I don’t like teamwork because rarely do people take responsibility for their share and one person ends up completing the whole task. They didn’t ask any follow-up questions, so I don’t know if I was too direct and they decided they wouldn’t take me or they agreed and had nothing to add. This can help you in the future!

There you have it

Well, there you have it. Try these six things when you get to the interview stage n and let us know how it went!

Don’t forget that there is always a human out there who needs to choose you. You’ve passed the “robot test” with your CV; now you need to figure out how to pass the “human test”. This should be easy, considering you’re a human, too.

However, if you need extra support, we encourage you to get in touch and book a one-off coaching session.

If you have difficulties landing job interviews, send us your CV for a free review – we might be able to find what’s holding you back.

Ultimately, if you’d like to learn how to write CVs that bring results, get our step-by-step writing guide that will transform your job search.


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