Search results for: “writing”

  • Your Resume is a Bait – Make it Count!

    Your Resume is a Bait – Make it Count!

    When it comes to job hunting, the first thing you need to know is that your resume is a bait. That is perhaps the most important thing you need to know, given how often we see it goes wrong. What are we talking about? Well, the point of your resume is to attract attention, hence…

  • Become a Content Writer in 2023!

    Become a Content Writer in 2023!

    Content writing is a booming industry and many people we work with want to become Content Writer. In 2023, it’s easier than ever to become one, and all thanks to – technology. What do we mean by that? Well, there are tools that can help you immensely with writing. Be it having writer’s block or…

  • How to Become a Digital Marketing Specialist

    How to Become a Digital Marketing Specialist

    Being a Digital Marketing Specialist is a dream of many. Why is that so? Well, when you think of marketing, the first thing that probably comes to mind is electronic and digital. And that’s what’s in today! However, people often have a misperception about how to become a digital marketing specialist. There’s so much information…

  • How to shorten your CV without selling yourself short?

    How to shorten your CV without selling yourself short?

    How to shorten your CV without selling yourself short is a question that’s on every jobseeker’s mind. You’ve probably heard that your CV shouldn’t be too long. But, how can you then present yourself properly? If this question is on your mind as well; you’re in luck; we’re covering precisely that topic in this article!…

  • How to write a letter of motivation for university

    How to write a letter of motivation for university

    Writing a letter of motivation for university is an important task and it requires your full focus. That can help you get into the school you want! Whether you’re applying to a university, advanced course, or community college, you’ll be required to write one. The letter of motivation needs to convey your interest and dedication to…

  • Life-work balance in post-pandemic world

    Life-work balance in post-pandemic world

    Life-work balance in the post-pandemic world is an interesting topic, mostly because the way we work has changed. Primarily, here we’re talking about office-based roles and remote workers. Those are the people whose lives changed drastically. By saying this, we don’t mean other sectors and occupations weren’t affected! Not at all, we’re just saying that…

  • How to Make a Resume That Will Get You the Job You Want

    How to Make a Resume That Will Get You the Job You Want

    How do you make a resume that will get you the job you want? It’s not as easy as one might think! Especially now, when so many people are learning how to market and sell themselves. Creating a resume is difficult enough as it is, but imagine if there were more than one way to…

  • Warning Signs You Need a New Job – Here’s What to Watch For!

    Warning Signs You Need a New Job – Here’s What to Watch For!

    In this article, we bring you warning signs you need a new job and what to watch for in your day-to-day. If you’re contemplating whether or not you’re ready to leave, you might find an answer in this article! Let’s get one thing straight; regardless of your background and profession, it happens to everyone. Maybe…

  • How to Find a Dream Job – the Do’s and Don’ts!

    How to Find a Dream Job – the Do’s and Don’ts!

    Are you unhappy with work and want to find a dream job, but are unsure how? Well, you’re not the only one! There are a lot of people on the same quest. The truth is, the world is filled with job opportunities. The tricky part is the job search. Where to search for a dream job?…

  • How to Organize Your Job Search and Get the best Results

    How to Organize Your Job Search and Get the best Results

    You’ve decided to move on and you need to organize your job search. You want results but are unsure how to get there? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll share some tips & tricks on how to organize your job search and get the best results. #1 step – organize…