How to shorten your CV without selling yourself short?

Learn how to shorten your CV without selling yourself short

How to shorten your CV without selling yourself short is a question that’s on every jobseeker’s mind.

You’ve probably heard that your CV shouldn’t be too long. But, how can you then present yourself properly? If this question is on your mind as well; you’re in luck; we’re covering precisely that topic in this article!

If you ever feel like your CV is falling apart because of all the content, don’t worry – it happens! CVs can get really wordy. Jobseekrs are using too many words, using the wrong words, or… well, you get the point. And to make matters worse, a lot of these words are probably not necessary! If you’re looking to land a job interview and impress the hiring manager, then make sure to shorten your CV without selling yourself short. Follow our simple tips on how to do it!

Target the job (ad) first

First and foremost, you need to target the right position or a job ad. That goes hand in hand with the approach we preach at Linking Lines: tailor your CV! You can read more about it on our blog. Basically, the idea is to find a job ad that interests you and customize your CV, so it reflects the requirements listed in the job ad.

If you keep it focused, chances are, you won’t get carried away. And if you don’t get carried away, your CV will not be too long.

Shorten your CVStart with your best of

When it comes to the CV writing itself, start with your “best of”.

What does this mean? Well, you need to have a strong opening section. The best way to present yourself is to emphasize why you’re the best candidate for the job. In other words, use your skills, achievements, and qualifications to show why they should hire you. And use the relevant stuff only. That way, you’ll shorten your CV without selling yourself short!

Let’s say you have a bachelor’s degree and that’s a requirement listed in the job ad. You want to start your CV by letting everyone know that you have that degree.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and feedback

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help! Feedback from your friends and family might be beneficial. However, professional feedback most certainly will be! Because we know this and we want to help you land the job interview you deserve, we offer free CV analysis. Simply follow this link if you want to get professional advice on how to shorten your CV without selling yourself short!

Another helpful thing is our step-by-step CV writing guide, which you can order here. Simply follow the steps outlined here and see how your job search transforms!

However, if all this CV writing business makes you nervous – don’t worry! We’re here for you. Simply use the form below and get in touch now. We will help you unlock your potential and transform your job search.

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