Can I ask to stay working from home?

Setting up an home office might be a good idea

We definitely live in uncertain times, and the COVID-19 situation has taken its toll on all of us in one way or another. Most of us started working from home back in March of 2020. However, things are changing and at the time of the update of this article in March 2022, we see most companies welcoming their employees back into the offices.

The last update is March 2023, and most companies have come to terms and have developed policies for some sort of a hybrid model. But working from home is still very much a topic… Even now, in August 2023 we’re still discussing pros and cons of working from home.

Many think that remote work is dead, but not everyone is happy about that. Many are wondering if they can ask to stay working from home. So, in light of this, we’ll take a look at how, why, and when you should ask to work from home.

It doesn’t hurt to ask

First, it’s important to say that it doesn’t hurt to ask. So, our advice would be – simply ask. If you really want to be working from home, make a case for it!

Surely, if your performance is not suffering, your teammates haven’t complained to the manager, and your manager hasn’t told you anything negative since you started working from home, you stand a chance.

If nothing else, you will probably be offered to return to the office at the later phase (and we all know there are going to be phases because the workers need to get back gradually). So, you might get a prolonged working-from-home deal. It might not be exactly what you want, but it’s still better than nothing.

Make sure to elaborate

If you do want to ask if you can stay working from home, make sure to have a good reason.

Perhaps not having to commute lifts your spirit and you get more things done. Or maybe the fact that you can walk your dog or have lunch with your family gives you the energy to get over the afternoon slump. Having numbers to back up these claims are always welcome! If you really want to keep working from home, you need to explain why this is the case.

Also, remember, these could be valid reasons to some while laughable to others. We just mentioned a few very realistic scenarios, however, you need to see what would work in your situation.

It is also good to keep in mind that your manager might not have the power to decide. Some companies have directives on a higher management level, and if that’s the case, it’s possible that you will have to submit a formal request to work from home to some pretty important people in the company.

Working from home has been great for some.

If it all fails…

In case you do ask if you can stay working from home and you get rejected, do not get discouraged. You can check with the team and see how others are feeling and talk to your manager again.

But, until then, do check out our posts about going back to work post-corona and get in touch if needed!

There are other resources available and you can read other people’s opinions on LinkedIn for example. Remember, you don’t have to stay at a company if you don’t like the conditions. Maybe it’s time for you to spruce up your CV and start job searching. Our step-by-step CV writing guide can help you write an amazing CV – check it out here. Follow the principles outlined in this book and get more replies to job applications.


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