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What is the point of a job interview?

Have you ever wondered what is the point of a job interview?
The interviewer already has seen your CV and most probably, talked to you on the phone, or via email. If they’re doing their job right, they’ve also done online research on you. For sure, they’ve seen your LinkedIn profile. Perhaps even Facebook, Instagram, and X profiles.
“What more do they want?”, you might wonder.
This is a question we hear a lot from our clients. And it is actually the reason #1 they opt for an interview coaching session!
Well, the only logical answer would be: to meet you, see you, and get the feel of you. That’s pretty much the reason companies still require a job interview. They also have a chance to ask any question they want, so they can determine whether you’re a good fit or not.
Whoever worked as a hiring manager can tell you this: a lot of discoveries can be made thanks to a job interview.
You develop a gut feeling which is pointing you in the right direction. You can see how people react to questions, what triggers their nervousness, and you can also see when they are super comfortable. People leading the interview can ask sensitive questions and then see if there is anything that raises a flag for them.
Not all recruiters and hiring managers want to be impressed. That is almost impossible to achieve because no one knows what others deem as “impressive”. So, instead of worrying about how you can impress someone you never met, focus on things you can control. And one of those things is certainly job interview preparation.
Here are some actual steps you can take in real life that will make the whole job interview process much more pleasant:
1 – Research the company
This is for sure job interview tip #1. Why should this be your top 1 priority? Well, simply because you don’t put yourself into a position where they mention something and you have no idea what they’re talking about.
When preparing for the job interview, make sure you research their facilities, how long they’ve been operational, where are their branches, how many employees they have, and what are their main activities. They will not ask you about this because it is not a test, but it’s a great starting point. You will develop a feeling of the company’s mission, goals, and history.
You do not need to remember every single thing, but having an idea about the company is nice. And that’s the point.
2 – Research the interviewer
In this day and age, you will most probably know at least the name of one of the interviewers who’ll be conducting the job interview. Invest your time in proper research of that person. Start with LinkedIn, learn about their interests, and see if you can connect on that level.
If you don’t know who will be interviewing you, research the interviews in that round for that particular company. Surely, you will find something that will help you prepare!
3 – Ask others for help
Before the job interview, ask your family members and friends to create a list that will show your “best of”. You can also ask former managers if you are still in touch, as well as ex-colleagues. If you are able to ask the same thing from your current colleagues and managers, do that as well. This way, you will get a more objective picture of yourself.
It would be beneficial if you could have a few test job interviews where you will answer the most commonly asked questions. This can be done with another person or you can record yourself doing it and then look at the video carefully. See if you should change your body language, position, or your answers.
4 – Reflect
Look at your CV and the experience you outlined. Think long and hard about each position. Try to find at least one thing that made you proud while at the job.
Take a close look at the job ad you’ve applied to and make sure you find connections between your past positions and the one you are going to talk to the recruiter about. You will most definitely be asked to present your work experience and they will want to see if you have done something similar to what they’re looking for.
So, when preparing for the job interview, you better learn your CV by heart (so to say).
5 – Choose your words
Find a list of positive and powerful words and read the list a few times before the interview. Chances are, you will remember most of them and use some. It’s all in how you say it – if you use positive words, people will react better.
To sum it all up, you need to stay true to yourself – never, ever pretend you’re something you’re not! People need to see who you are and the best thing you can do is show them your best self.
The best thing you can do is research the person who will be interviewing you and then try to present yourself in a way which would be intriguing to them. Whatever you do, never try to be something you are not. The interviewer needs to see who you are, but you need to show something that will convince them you’re the right fit!
If you need help with job interview prep, we advise you read more of our Blog – there are plenty of posts about this particular topic.
Alternatively, you can reach out and schedule a one-off career coaching session.
However, you might need help with your CV if you’re struggling with getting interviews. What we can do for you is offer a free CV review or provide a CV writing service. Alternatively, you can order our step-by-step CV and cover letter writing guide right here, apply the principles outlined in the book, and get more replies to job applications.
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