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How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internal Position or a Promotion

Writing a cover letter is very important, at least here for us at Linking Lines. If you follow us at all, by now, you probably know that cover letters can make or break you as a candidate. Therefore, considering how important they are, you’ve probably wondered how to write a cover letter. This goes even if you are applying for an internal position or a promotion.
Firstly, even if you’ve been with a company for a while, you’ll still need to write a cover letter if you’d like to move up or switch positions! Why? Well, there’s a recruitment process that needs to be followed.
This means that you still have to:
- update your CV
- write a cover letter
- apply for the role.
You will not be treated differently just because you already work in the company.
So, let’s see how can you write an effective cover letter that will show everyone how suitable you are for the role!
Emphasize your knowledge of internal policies
Hiring someone internally is always easier than hiring an external candidate. This is a well-known occurrence and it’s only logical. To tell the truth, it’s a huge advantage to hire someone internally. They already know internal policies and are familiar with the ecosystem. However, to be considered for a role, you need to write a cover letter and apply.
Because you’re already in, you’re in a better position than all those external candidates. And everyone knows it! You know what are the do’s and don’ts, company values, and rules of conduct. Now, you just need to mention it in your cover letter.
Use phrases such as “familiar with internal policies and procedures” and “I’ve shown great ability to follow Company’s guidelines”. You can even go with “I am well acquainted with the inner workings of the group” or “Since day one, I was impressed with this company’s culture”.
Express your interest in growth within the company
If you’re willing to switch positions or you want to be promoted, it is pretty obvious that you have the intent of staying with the company. And that is always a good thing! By showing dedication, and your willingness to learn different things, take on new responsibilities, and explore opportunities, you’re kind of guaranteeing you’re going to stick around.
And employers love that! Because they’ve already invested in your training and skills, it’s always good to see the return of that investment. And if you keep growing with the company, that’s something very positive.
So, the only thing you need to do in your cover letter is express your interest for further growth within the company.
If you’re staying at the same level but want to switch teams, use phrases such as “I have a strong desire to learn more about other departments of this Company” or “From reading the job ad, I got a feeling I could contribute immensely to this Company if given a chance to work in XY team”, “After XY years/months in my current role, I would like to try something else”.
However, if you’re writing a cover letter for a promotion, bring their attention to your desire for growth. Use phrases such as “After being in this team for XY years/months, I really think I would be best suited to become a Team Leader”. Or “I would like to hold a role that would allow me to participate in the decision-making process more directly”. Alternately, you can say that “It’s only natural to move to the position of XY”.
Remind them of your skills & expertise
Unless you’re applying for a role that’s a promotion and your current manager or their manager will be involved in the recruitment process, chances are, people involved will not know about your skills and expertise. This is not uncommon, especially for large companies.
Hence, you shouldn’t take it personally! It is completely normal – we all play our own part and we can’t expect everyone to know what is it that we do every single day.
Yes, you work for them, but if they’re not your direct supervisor, they don’t really know what your current role entails. And that is why you simply have to remind them of your skills and expertise in a cover letter that you’re writing for an internal position.
With this in mind, focus your cover letter on skills that are appreciated throughout the roles. See what other job ads your company has available. As a result, you’ll get a better idea of what is it that they’re looking for in any candidate.
If you’re applying for a promotion that’s a natural progression of your role, definitely hammer in the fact you know what your team is doing. That is a huge bonus because you won’t have to be introduced to their daily work.
Explain why you’re perfect for the job
Assuming that you’ve implemented all our suggestions in your cover letter, it’s clear that you’re the perfect person for the job. But, you can’t just leave it at that! Make sure you really explain why you should get the job.
It can be because of your deep understanding of the company’s needs or your desire to improve existing workflows. This is very individual and will depend on your situation, but definitely don’t be shy!
Use phrases like “I know I can take this team to a new level” or “I am sure my skills will boost the team’s productivity”.
Whatever you do, you need to convince the reader.
Stuck? Hire a professional!
So, we know you’re already in the company. But should you hire a professional to write your cover letter if you don’t know how to do it? Is it a waste of money?
In short – no, it’s not! Be mindful of this: the fact you’re in a company doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the job. Therefore, you still need to impress.
You should hire a professional writer if you don’t have time to update your CV and/or write a proper, targeted cover letter. Remember, these people already know you, so you can’t just send in whatever. You have to do it right.
If you write a smashing cover letter, you can get the job and thus change the course of your career! Not only your career but oftentimes, life itself.
If you’re not so sure about hiring a professional, why not learn how to write a CV like one? To help you get there, we have written a detailed and straightforward guide for CV writing which can be ordered here. Follow the principles outlined here and get replies to job applications (internal or not).
We’ve also written about cover letter writing on our Blog. For more tips on how to write a cover letter, check out our other articles, such as this one.
However, if you feel like this is too much – don’t worry; we’re here for you! Browse through our services page, and do not hesitate to get in touch through the form below or by sending us an email.
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