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How to find out what is your dream job?

At some point in life, you’ll wonder how to find out what your dream job is.
It’s a big question and an important one. To wonder this is completely normal and the question comes to mind at different time for everyone. Some people know from a very young age what they want to do. Others struggle. No matter where you fall on the dream job spectrum, don’t lose hope!
Decisions, decisions
There comes a time in life when you will be faced with a choice. A decision that will usher you into a specific direction when it comes to your career. If you want to find your dream job, you need to take initiative and start making decisions. Or, at least, start observing your behavior and what you (dis)like.
You can always switch jobs so don’t dwell on it. Give something a go and if doesn’t work, it’s not your dream job! Move on, find something else.
Remember, even if it seems something’s going to last forever, in today’s fast-changing world, that’s practically impossible. So, use it to your advantage. No one will judge you for switching jobs until you find your dream job!
Never assume that you or others should have everything “figured out”. People spend a lot of time at their jobs so it’s very important they’re happy with it!
Keep in mind that there are no rules – any age group can get overwhelmed and lost in the process. And that can happen to people from any country that have any educational or professional background.
Realizing you don’t know what to do in life
So, let’s say you don’t know what’s your dream job. The first phase is probably panicking. Once you calm down, talk to a few people and just give it some thought, it’s time for you to start hunting for your dream job.
If you’re wondering how, you’ll probably be surprised by the simplicity of it – try out things!
If you don’t know what you want to do, if you’re having a hard time realizing what’s your dream job, the only way to find out what you like is to try doing it.
I know it can seem a bit risky, depending on your situation, but there really is not any other way of finding out what suits you. If you are serious about finding your passion and changing the course of your life, you should be prepared to roll up your sleeves and get to work!
Research opportunities in your area or country of interest. See what is out there. Prepare several versions of your CV, one for each field you are considering. Get on LinkedIn and find people you might know who could be able to help you.
And then, go all in! Send loads of applications and see what you can get. Treat this endeavor as a fishing trip. You need to cast your net and throw the bait in order to see what will bite.
If you need professional career advice, there’s plenty of free content on our Blog. So, go ahead and browse through it. Alternatively, if you need a career coach, we’re here for you. Also, if you have your mind made up, we can help with a professional CV writing service.
If you’d like to learn how to write an effective CV, follow the principles outlined in this book and start getting more replies to your job applications.
Let’s find what you’re passionate about and steer your career in that direction.
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