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How do I leave toxic work environment?

Leaving a toxic work environment is very challenging. But first, you have to admit to yourself that you indeed operate in such an environment. Only those who were in one know it. It’s very easy to comment as a bystander, but if you never actually experienced it, you don’t know what’s it like. Luckily, we talk to many people on a daily basis so we do have some insight into it. We’ve also experienced a toxic work environment ourselves and we’re happy to share tips on how you can free yourself from it!
For sure, it’s scary and uncertain, and it feels like you’re taking a huge leap into the unknown.
However, if you’re feeling unhappy and stuck in a job that’s doing nothing but bringing you down, it might be time to take the plunge.
In this article, we bring you some tips for making the process as smooth as possible.
1. Evaluate your work situation
Try to take a step back and be as objective as possible. Do you feel it’s toxic work environment every day? Does it always come from the same person? Or persons? Is it performance-related? Before you do anything else, take a moment and look at the situation.
2. Act immediately
Once you’re positively sure you’re in a toxic work environment and you want to leave, create a plan of action.
First, you should talk to your manager. They will be able to advise you on who else needs to be involved. We’d encourage you to talk to the toxic workers, too, but this depends on your company’s policies. Then, talk to the HR department and make sure to give them the real reason behind your resignation.
Why is this important? Well, you might be safe from the toxic work environment, but others aren’t. So, if you stay quiet, things will never change.
3. Move on and learn from the experience
Don’t dwell on your decision too much – your mental health is important! If you had to quit your job in order to leave toxic work environment, never doubt yourself. If you’re not feeling yourself, if you’re being pushed around, what good can you bring to others? So, what you need to do is give yourself time to heal. And then move on while learning from the experience.
Look at it this way: you now know how to recognize a toxic work environment so it’s highly unlikely you’ll stick around for it ever again!
To conclude: if you’re really stuck in a job that you hate – change it. Be it the people, the politics, or the work itself…But whatever the reason, you can no longer stand to be there. It’s time to make a change – and fast! Leaving a toxic work environment is one of the best things you can do for your mental health and your career prospects. Don’t wait another day – start looking for your next job today with Linking Lines.
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