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Category: Work environment
3 Simple Productivity Tips for Success in Your Professional Life
Being productive is very important if we want to stay relevant, so, we bring you productivity tips for success in professional life. Today, more than ever, it’s so easy to get distracted. Staying focused and efficient has become a real skill and there are many challenges to overcome. In this article, we’re going to share…
Dealing with a difficult colleague
Surely, dealing with a difficult colleague can be a frustrating and stressful experience. Whether it’s a co-worker who constantly interrupts you during meetings or a team member who refuses to contribute to the project, handling a difficult colleague can take a toll on your mental well-being and work productivity. Unfortunately, at some point in your…
Life-work balance in post-pandemic world
Life-work balance in the post-pandemic world is an interesting topic, mostly because the way we work has changed. Primarily, here we’re talking about office-based roles and remote workers. Those are the people whose lives changed drastically. By saying this, we don’t mean other sectors and occupations weren’t affected! Not at all, we’re just saying that…
Managing Imposter Syndrome: How to Help Yourself Overcome the Fear
You probably heard the phrase imposter syndrome and it’s not pretty. Basically, it’s a state when you don’t feel good enough for a specific role or workplace. It’s a state of constant self-doubt. And it’s pretty widespread so we thought it’s time we write something about it. What is Imposter Syndrome? Imposter syndrome is a…
Negotiating Better Work Conditions: Tips to Make the Most of Your Negotiation
Negotiating better work conditions is a serious matter and, sooner or later, you’ll have to tackle this task. Timing and the course of the conversation varies. It will depend on your personal situation, the company you work for, and oftentimes, cultural background. First, you need to know that, when it comes to improving your working…
How do I leave toxic work environment?
Leaving a toxic work environment is very challenging. But first, you have to admit to yourself that you indeed operate in such an environment. Only those who were in one know it. It’s very easy to comment as a bystander, but if you never actually experienced it, you don’t know what’s it like. Luckily, we…
Do I have to stay in a role for a year?
Think about the last time someone told you that you have to stay in a role for a year. When was that? Who was the person talking? Chances are, it was quite recently and the person talking was probably over 40. They didn’t mean anything bad by it – they were simply projecting what they…
Is remote work the future?
Our world changed drastically in late 2019/early 2020 and a lot of people are wondering if remote work is the future on a large scale. For some, remote work wasn’t new because they were already doing it, but for most, it was a huge change. We have to keep in mind that different companies still…
How to survive the commute?
With most people back in the office, it is no secret we’re wondering how on earth we’re going to survive the commute. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, we didn’t really think about it. The commute was considered normal, something that just had to be done. However, the pandemic has forced many companies to adopt and adapt…
How to prioritize your time
No matter what your occupation is, you have to know how to prioritize your time if you want to be successful. This goes for everyone, and it actually extends to your personal life, too. If this has never been an issue for you, then it means you instinctively know how to do it. And that’s…