Job interview tips that’ll make a difference

Check out our practical guide for job interviews.

In the sea of information available online when it comes to job interviews, we’ve realized that job interview tips that’ll actually make a difference are missing.

Therefore, we decided to write a post on the topic and we genuinely hope it’ll help you!

The very first job interview tip is surely preparation! It comes as no surprise that you have to prepare for your job interview.

This entails the following:

  1. Research the company & job position

Do thorough research on the company and its recruitment process.

You don’t have to memorize everything you read, but you will get an idea of their procedure. That tends to help a lot. If nothing else, it gives you a much needed confidence boost.

The search is quite simple; just type “recruitment process at XXX in YYY” or “XXX interview questions at ZZZ”.

For example, if you want to learn about Amazon’s recruitment process in Ireland, search for “recruitment process at Amazon in Ireland.”

If you want to find out about interview questions for a position in a certain company, search for “store manager interview questions at Aldi.”

When it comes to job interviews, this is surely our number one tip.


  1. Deep dive into your CV and cover letter

For the purpose of this article, let’s assume you have multiple versions of your CV and cover letter. In that case, make sure you know which ones you used for the application. That’s definitely the first thing to know!

Next,  really deep dive into the CV. Read every single line multiple times.

You need to know to explain what you meant with each one! Every single skill and job duty, every bullet point describing your education. You need to be able to stand by what you wrote because it’s all fair game at the interview.

The same applies to your cover letter.

You could be asked about anything that you’ve written.


  1. Find the connection between your CV and the job

Once you’re well acquainted with your CV and cover letter, we can move on to the next tip in our practical guide to job interviews.

This is perhaps the most important tip that will surely make a difference. You need to find a way to talk about your background and experience so it’s relevant to the job you’re interviewing for. What this means is that you need to listen to the question they ask and then use something from your CV to answer it.

For example, let’s say the question is “Were you ever feeling demotivated in your role and how did you overcome it?”

You go over your CV, find a suitable role where you can think of a demotivating situation, and then answer. Always make sure there’s a positive spin to it.

Even if your experience is not 100% related to the job you’re now applying for, you can make it seem that way. You just need to find your angle and go with it.

One of our tips & tricks that'll make a difference in job interview is take your time.

  1. Take your time

We know that everyone gets nervous during job interviews. So, our next piece of advice that made the cut to this practical guide to job interviews is: take your time. You don’t have to rush with your answer. Take a moment to process the question. If needed, ask them to repeat it.

Remember, you’re not taking a pop quiz. You need to think it through and then answer.


  1. Be comfortable

We all perform better when we’re nice and comfy. It’s easier to overcome challenges if you feel good in your own skin.

In the job interview setting, that translates to:

  • comfortable clothes that make you feel good. Keep in mind that most companies are ok with business casual. Choose something that’s not too uptight.
  • accessories – watches, necklaces, bracelets. Whatever makes you feel ready for action.
  • perfume/cologne
  • make-up/hairstyle


That’s it for our practical guide to job interviews – tips & tricks that’ll make a difference! Check our other posts to learn more about CV writing, job search, and career development.

However, if you’re struggling with landing job interviews, perhaps it would be good to invest in a CV and cover letter writing service. If you’d like to give it a go yourself, we recommend getting our very own step-by-step guide which you can order here. Follow the principles outlined here and get more replies to job applications.

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