Why is my CV not getting me interviews?

Your CV has to be focused in order for it to be successful.

Many jobseekers ask themselves and us: “Why is my CV not getting me interviews?” This can happen to anyone, regardless of your years of experience or profession. You can have what it seems a good CV, but it can still not yield any results. Why is this the case? Why don’t all CVs serve the purpose of getting interviews?

Well, in this article, we will cover this precise issue. If you want to get an interview, your CV has to be targeted.

So, why is my CV not getting interviews?

You have probably heard this before, but we are going to say it again: if you want results, you need to focus. This is true for everything you do in life.

This means that you have to focus your CV if you want to start getting interviews.

Why? Well, because everything in life works better when it has a clear purpose and goal. Your CV and job applications function in exactly the same way. For this very reason, it is extremely important that you focus your CV on a specific position.

Find out what you want to do before you start working on your CV.

What does “focus your CV” even mean?

To make it super easy and understandable to absolutely everyone: you need to target a specific job position. That’s the only way you can make sure your application is successful. You take that job position and you focus your CV on what the company stated in job descriptions for the position.

The best way to explain it to people is to ask them to picture a dartboard. Your CV is a dart. The center of the board is a job interview. The sections are how successful your CV and job application are. In order to write a CV that brings results, you will have to do some research.



“General” or “generic” CV

If you do not focus your CV, if it’s not tailored at all and if you want a “general” CV or a “generic” CV, that probably won’t work.

If you simply outline your experience, education, and skills, the chances of it being successful are very low. I would even dare to say they are somewhere between 0 and 30% tops.

Why? Because one job ad has hundreds of applicants. If you do not stand out nor do you outline the relevant stuff (keywords, frequently repeated phrases for that job position), your job application will not be successful.

CV for the field or an area of interest

If you do not really have a clear idea of what position you want, but you kind of know what field you are interested in, that is a bit better.

At least you won’t waste your time writing an unfocused, “generic” or “general” CV. You do have some idea in what direction you would like to go.

The chances of this type of CV bringing your results is somewhere between 31 and 60%.

Why? Because you need to keep in mind multiple positions within a field. That means it will be harder for you to focus it. Basically, you will have to go through 3-5 job ads for each position within the field and extract the important stuff. And by that, I mean keywords, required skills, and frequently repeated phrases. You also need to be mindful of the presentation of those things.

CV for a job position

If your CV is focused on a job position, it will probably work for you in 61 to 80% of the cases. This really will depend on how detailed you are in your research. The more you research your desired position and use your results in your CV, the better chances you have of success.

Why? Because you will do thorough research on the job position, and you will incorporate the keywords and frequently repeated phrases from those descriptions in your CV (and cover letter). If you check 5-10 job descriptions and 10-15 job ads by different companies, you have greater chances of realizing what type of candidate they’re looking for. This means that you will focus your CV using those elements.

CV for a specific job ad

If your CV is focused on a specific job ad, the chances of it being successful are between 81 and 100%. If you extract all the important information from the job ad and combine it with what you found in your research, you shouldn’t have any problems with landing an interview.

Why? Because you will be using exact phrases and keywords that appear in the job ad, on top of the most common descriptions of the job position. Your only real competition will be people who have more relevant experience, company insiders, and those who pay a good CV writer.

Take it with a grain of salt

Again, before you start writing your CV, make sure you know what your goal is. Without it, you will be floating around, and you can only pray for the CV to bring results.  Focusing your CV is very important, but it is even more important you’re being realistic. If you don’t meet the requirements, no matter how specific you are, you won’t get a job interview invitation.

Remember, you always have to have a leg to stand on when you’re writing a CV. You can’t just decide to switch careers or go after a job ad just because you like the sound of it. It is essential you have a base for a job application. This “base” can be your education or previous experience. But make no mistake – it has to be something that will show everyone you got what it takes to do the job!

With all this in mind, think twice before you start working on your CV. If you are unsure where to start, maybe investing in coaching sessions is a good idea. If you do know what you want to do and this whole CV writing business sounds too complex, reach out to us. We can provide a top-notch and affordable CV writing service that brings results.

However, if you still don’t feel comfortable doing it, go ahead and order our step-by-step CV writing guide. Follow our writing principles and get more replies to job applications.

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