Write a perfect resume

Learn how to write a perfect resume

If you want to secure your dream job, you have to write the perfect resume to get it, because that’s the first step in your job search.

No matter what the future brings, we’re still at a time when a well-crafted resume can open many doors. But, you need to stand out in a pool of applicants. And that’s not easy! There are dozens, if not hundreds of people who want the same role as you do. Hence, to stand out, you really do need to write a perfect resume.

What is the goal of a resume?

A resume serves as a reflection of your professional and academic background. It is your opportunity to make a good first impression, and you better use it! Remember, the goal of a resume is to get you to the interview stage of the job application process. Because resumes are so important, we want to go over a few tips that will help you build your perfect resume.

Opening section

Your introductory paragraph – opening section needs to be super strong. It needs to highlight your skills, experience, and education. Whatever makes you the perfect candidate for the role needs to be here. Not only that, but you also need to make sure it’s interesting enough for the reader to want to learn more about you.

Your opening section is a “hook” that makes the reader continue.

Focus on your achievements

Everyone’s talking about achievements and how important it is to have them in your resume. The formula for a perfect resume that will land you that job interview is to include your achievements, not only your duties. If possible, and if it makes sense, use metrics to quantify them.

Tailor your resume for the job ad

Every job ad is unique. Each has its own keywords and if you want to be successful in a job search and write a perfect resume, you better include those in it. Of course, do it in a way that makes sense in relation to your past experience, skills, and education. Never just copy-paste the keywords from the job ad without merging them with your content and not making them relevant to who you are as a professional.

Keep it short and relevant

When we talk about resume writing, it’s important to note that less is more. So, if you want to write a perfect resume that will bring results, keep it short and don’t go over 2 pages. If you have trouble shortening your content, just think of a way to rephrase what you want to write.

The next point is relevancy. You only need to include things that are relevant to the job you’re applying to. This also helps with the length of your resume


A perfect resume is a resume that people read. To make sure they read it, stick to simple formatting. Use standard fonts and appropriate spacing. Present everything in bullet points because they’re easier to read.

Proofread & edit

Finally, when you have your short, relevant resume that is easy to read, don’t forget to proofread and edit. There are a lot of ways to miss out on an interview invitation, but having typos or out-of-context words should not be it.

Key takeawaysLand your dream job with a perfect resume.

To conclude, building a perfect resume requires careful attention to detail and focus. You need to have a strong and interesting opening section, keep it short, stick to simple formatting, and remember to always double-check your content before sending in your application.

We have more free advice on resume writing on our blog right here, and if you want to learn how to write resumes that bring results, you can get our step-by-step guide here. Simply follow the steps outlined here and get more replies to job applications.

If this sounds too overwhelming, you can always reach out to us and we’ll take care of the writing part for you.

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