Search results for: “writing”

  • CV Writing Service – Can a Professional CV Writing Service Help My Job Search?

    CV Writing Service – Can a Professional CV Writing Service Help My Job Search?

    Ever wondered about professional CV writing services available and do they work? Regardless of the country, a professional CV writing service can surely help your job search if they’re doing it right! For example, Linking Lines is a CV writing service that works with clients from all over the world employed in different professions. We…

  • True Reasons Why People Quit Their Jobs

    True Reasons Why People Quit Their Jobs

    Surely, you know someone who suddenly quit their job. At first glance, their decision might seem surprising. They appeared to have the perfect job. Working for a reputable company, being in a great team, and having a decent salary. However, it’s time we addressed the elephant in the room: the true reasons why people quit…

  • The One Thing You Must Avoid at a Job Interview

    The One Thing You Must Avoid at a Job Interview

    With everyone giving advice about what to do at a job interview, we decided to pivot and discuss the elephant in the room; the one thing you must avoid at a job interview! As we all know, job interviews are stressful and you never know what to expect. You’re going to be completely exposed before…

  • Always be ready for your next career move

    Always be ready for your next career move

    If you don’t want to be caught off guard in your career, you have to always be ready for your next career move. It can be already too late if you’re out of a job. So, to get ahead of this situation where you’re unemployed, what you need to do is be on the constant…

  • Why should you keep your resume simple?

    Why should you keep your resume simple?

    Keeping your resume simple is the safest way to ensure people will read it. I know there’s a lot of advice on this particular topic (resume writing), but in this article, I’ll share Linking Lines’ approach to resume writing that works for our clients. Are we still using resumes? First, let’s address the elephant in…

  • What is job hopping?

    What is job hopping?

    With the rise of TikTok influencers, we’ve seen the topic of job hopping has been gaining popularity. That’s why we decided to write an article about it, and see what it is exactly and what are its advantages and downsides. What is job hopping? First, let’s define the phrase. Job hopping is basically moving from…

  • Write a perfect resume

    Write a perfect resume

    If you want to secure your dream job, you have to write the perfect resume to get it, because that’s the first step in your job search. No matter what the future brings, we’re still at a time when a well-crafted resume can open many doors. But, you need to stand out in a pool…

  • The Importance of Self-Awareness in Your Job Search and Career

    The Importance of Self-Awareness in Your Job Search and Career

    Lately, the world has been talking a lot about self-awareness, mental health, emotional well-being, and the like. When you think about it, self-awareness is everything! If you don’t know yourself, how will you know where you’re going? And what do you really want to do? Hence, we can say that the most crucial thing in…

  • How to prepare for an interview – tips

    How to prepare for an interview – tips

    When you get a positive reply to your application, the next thing on your mind should be: how to prepare for an interview! Surely you know that first impressions matter. And when we’re talking about job interviews, the first impression you make can make or break your chances of landing the job. The interview process…

  • 3 tips on how to write an effective CV!

    3 tips on how to write an effective CV!

    We still rely very much on CVs in job searches so, writing an effective CV is still important. Surely you know that your CV creates the first impression for the potential employer. Therefore, it is in your best interest you make it a good one. In other words, an effective CV can make the difference…