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How to Make a Career Shift?

Career shifts aren’t easy and there’s a lot to consider when deciding on one. Almost every single one of us has faced the question of how to make a career shift. It’s extremely important to note that this is not something you should ignore or fear – it is only natural. Yes, it can be a temporary burnout situation, or it can be a genuine desire to make a career change. Your first task is to establish if there’s a need for you to shift your career path.
How do I know if I want a new career?
Throughout life, people change – our interests, desires, and goals change depending on our life situation. If we can take up a new hobby or change our minds about the existing one, it’s not the end of the world! We’re not fake or confused, we’re simply growing. So, why shouldn’t we have the option of changing our minds about our career choices? Why should we be scared to shift our career path?
A career shift is not to be taken lightly. If your job is taking the best of you, you’re probably wondering how to make a career shift and whether you should do it.
We all want to be happy and fulfilled, and if your current job or career choice is not giving you that, maybe it is time to think about a career change.
If you want to know if you should shift your career path, start by asking yourself these questions:
- Do I enjoy my role and the area I am currently in?
- Am I interested in contributing to the business?
- Would I be doing this if the salary was lower?
- Do I feel good about myself at the end of the day?
- Am I bored at work?
- Do I just switch off when I work or do I think about my tasks?
- Am I proud to say where I work and what is it that I do?
Once you have your answers, look at them. See how it feels to read them. Based on that, you will know whether or not you need a career shift!
When should I make a career shift?
Well, there is no right or wrong answer to this question, really. We all learn and develop at our own pace so there is no special age when you should make a career shift.
Some people figure it out early, while still in their teens and they’re happy with their career choice for decades.
Other people might need more time and only find their true passion in their 40s.
No one should put pressure on you and you can’t force these things.
There’s only one rule as to when to make a career shift: when you’ve had enough.
If you dread Monday morning (or any morning for that matter) and you’re super happy on a Friday or when you know you’re not going to work, chances are, you need a career shift.
If you are unhappy, your family and friends are commenting on your state because of the job, if you don’t have the drive, you should start thinking about how to make a career shift.
How do I know what career is right for me?
First of all, you need to determine what you want to do. If you have no idea, our advice is to go out there and try different things. How else would you know? Don’t be afraid to take up jobs just to try it out. The idea of working in a corporation until retirement is outdated. There’s so many possibilities out there the today’s world that you’d be losing out if you actually did this. That is, of course, unless working in a corporation until retirement is your dream. 🙂
So, how to know what career is right for you?
Well, you can try taking a self-assessment with a career specialist. Talking to a trained professional in this area would help immensely.
Next, think about what you wanted to do as a child. That might be a good clue.
Another step you could take when thinking about a career shift is to research roles. Let’s say you’re interested in marketing. That’s a vast field. Literally, do a Google search on “roles in marketing.” There are probably dozens of roles you aren’t even aware of because you did not live in that field.
Our last advice on this would be: talk to people who know you. Tell your friends and family you are looking into how to make a career shift and see what they say. Maybe they’ll tell you they’ve always seen you in a certain position or comment on your current role, saying they never understood why you did it. You never know!
How do I make a career shift?
Now that we’ve covered the initial steps, it’s time to start on practical steps if you want to make a career shift.
Once you identify what you want to do next, follow these steps:
Talk to people from the field
When wanting to shift your career path, it is always beneficial to connect with people who already work in the field. Ask them about their jobs and see how and what they say. Sure, you can always do online research, but nothing beats real people’s experiences and comments.
Enrol a course
This is super important if your new career is something completely unrelated to what you’ve been doing so far. You need to get a job based on something. Since you have no experience, education is the way to go!
Tailor your CV and cover letter to a job
As we’ve mentioned many times before, you need to optimize your CV and cover letter for the job ad. Even if you have no experience, there is always a way to present your past experience and your skills as relevant. Read more about it here.
Be patient
Career shifts are almost never easy. It takes time to find someone who’s willing to take in a “shifter.” How much time you’ll spend looking for a new job depends on your desire, attitude, and the quality of your CV and cover letter.
Be realistic
Not only does a career shift take time, but it can also take a lot out of your bank account. If you can’t afford to be jobless while studying and looking for a new career, stay at your current role or find at least some kind of job that will ensure your financial stability.
If you get cold feet or if you feel completely lost, don’t worry; that’s completely normal. A career shift is never easy! Take your time, take a look at the pros & cons, and talk to people. Take it easy. There’s plenty of good advice available online as well, and you can also check out our Blog for more advice on career, job search, and CV and cover letter writing.
If you’re 100% sure you want to look for another job, get in touch for a professional CV and cover letter writing service. Alternatively, you can give it a shot yourself! It’s easy now with our step-by-step professional CV writing guide, which you can order right here. Simply follow the steps outlined in this book and change your job search forever.
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