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How to reach out to a recruiter on LinkedIn?

Since LinkedIn is a platform where there’s a lot of professional networking, it is quite usual to use it to reach out to a recruiter. In case you didn’t know, there are many recruiters on LinkedIn. As a job seeker, you definitely want to make the best of the situation. The good news is that you can do it! And it’s not hard at all.
However, there are certain rules that need to be followed. You can’t just bluntly slide into someone’s inbox and ask for a job.
So, let’s look into how to reach out to a recruiter on LinkedIn and how it can impact your career!
How do I find recruiters on LinkedIn?
First thing’s first! Let’s see how you can actually find recruiters on the LinkedIn platform.
Well, finding recruiters on LinkedIn is fairly simple. All you need to do is type in “recruiter” in the search bar and select “People”.
You should get a fair amount of results.
You can even filter by location or company you’re interested in. This literally can’t be any simpler!
So, make sure to search and find recruiters. Send them connection requests; it doesn’t hurt.
How NOT to reach out to a recruiter on LinkedIn
Just as I researched for this article, a post on my LinkedIn popped up. A post by a hiring manager telling the world what she’s going through.
And that is being asked by dozens of people on a weekly basis to review their resumes and let them know if she has a job for them. Imagine that!
Truth be told, this post actually confirmed what we at Linking Lines instinctively know – you can’t approach a recruiter on LinkedIn and ask them to find a job for you. It doesn’t work that way.
Actually, that is one of the worst mistakes job seekers can make.
Why is this not the way to reach out to a recruiter on LinkedIn? Well, for starters, they don’t know you and you don’t know them. They have zero ideas about your interests and aspirations. And, if you use a generic message (a template) and ask them to find a job for you basically, they’ll have zero interest in you.
So, how do I reach out to a recruiter on LinkedIn?
Well, you, as a job seeker, are the person doing the heavy lifting.
You need first to find a position that interests you. Then you need to tailor your CV and cover letter to that position.
Apply to the position following whatever is the company’s application process. Sometimes, it’ll be the “easy apply” on LinkedIn while other times it will take you to the company’s website or internal recruitment platform.
After you’ve applied, check who is the recruiter that posted the job. If you can’t find it, find a few recruiters who work at the company and the department where you just applied to.
Next, get in touch with a brief explanation of who you are, and why you think you are a good fit. Finally, make sure you send them the link to the job.
Don’t forget to attach your CV to the message. This way, they will have it right there and won’t have to search for it. Sure, it might seem like an overkill, but it really isn’t – you’re being mindful of their time.
This should get the ball rolling and there are high chances they will actually pay attention to you. Just imagine yourself being in their position – what would you react to? A generic message that’s asking you to find them a role OR a polite message where you get a short intro, link to the job, and their CV?
The answer is pretty obvious, and you must keep in mind the fact you’re not the only person reaching out to them.
Professional advice
I hope this article helps job seekers realize what is it that recruiters and hiring managers go through on a daily basis. You have to take ownership over your job search and not get discouraged or offended if no one is replying to your generic messages. Instead, do all the digging you can, apply for jobs, and then get in touch when you have something concrete, something real.
Surely, your CV here will play a great part and don’t you forget that! If you need help with CV writing, please browse our services page and get in touch.
If you, however, would like to learn how to write a CV like a pro – we’d recommend getting our CV writing guide right here. Follow the principles outlined here and get more replies to job applications.
Also, you can submit your CV for a free personalized analysis if you click here. Let’s see what you’ve been doing wrong this entire time.
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