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Negotiating Better Work Conditions: Tips to Make the Most of Your Negotiation
Negotiating better work conditions is a serious matter and, sooner or later, you’ll have to tackle this task. Timing and the course of the conversation varies. It will depend on…
How to find a job online?
If you’re looking for a job, you better be trying to find a job online! Regardless of your situation and background – you want to use the internet to find…
Use LinkedIn for job search
If you want to find a new job, you simply must use LinkedIn for a job search to speed up the process! When you’re job searching, you may feel like…
How to write a resignation letter?
Only the lucky ones never have to write a resignation letter. This means that, probably, sooner or later, you’ll have to do it. First, we must acknowledge that resigning from…
How to find a job that interests you?
Finding a job that interests you and is aligned with your personal aspirations and personality should be your top priority. Now, some of you might wonder why, because it’s just…
How do I leave toxic work environment?
Leaving a toxic work environment is very challenging. But first, you have to admit to yourself that you indeed operate in such an environment. Only those who were in one…
Top skills for social workers to add to your CV
Some professions never go out of style, and social worker is definitely one of them. We badly need social workers and if you are one or recently become one, you’re…
How to ace your next job interview?
Wondering how to ace your next job interview? You’re not the only one but hopefully you’ll find comfort knowing you’re at the right place! Check out this article to find…
Why you’re not getting responses despite having the perfect qualifications?
If you’re wondering why you’re not getting responses despite having the perfect qualifications, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to help you troubleshoot your job search so that…
Tips to make your CV stand out
It’s no secret that when it comes to job hunting, your CV is key to success! And that’s why we bring you the tips to make your CV stand out.…