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Author: Dhalia
Tips for an effective job search
Once you’re in a job search, you realize how big of an endeavor that actually is. We shouldn’t be putting it down. Truth be told, job search is a big thing that determines the course of your life and it should be treated that way. Like any other endeavor in life, it works best if…
Why am I not getting any interviews?
Surely, why am I not getting any job interviews is one of the most frequently asked questions among jobseekers who actively seek employment. This is also one of the most difficult questions to answer because there could be many reasons. In this article, we will cover the most common reasons as to why you might…
Checklist for a successful job application
Having a checklist for a successful job application might seem a bit too much. However, it is not! Why? Well, because applying for jobs can be stressful, and having a checklist for a successful job application makes everything easier! Especially in today’s job market. Competition is tough. And that is precisely why we will discuss…
How to write a cover letter for an office position?
You finally realized your dream is to hold an office position. Many want this! So, your CV is all ready, but you’re not too sure about the cover letter. Should you even write one? How should it look like? What should you say to get an interview invite? Are you wrecking your brain trying to…
What Sections Should My CV Have?
Sections in a CV are very important because they determine whether or not someone will read your CV. Having the right ones leads to success. But, how can you know what’s true and what’s not? What sections should your CV have? If you feel lost and confused, know that you’re not alone! In this article,…
How to Make a Career Shift?
Career shifts aren’t easy and there’s a lot to consider when deciding on one. Almost every single one of us has faced the question of how to make a career shift. It’s extremely important to note that this is not something you should ignore or fear – it is only natural. Yes, it can be…
Why Should You Hire a Professional CV Writing Service
There are many professional CV writing services out there, we get it. And, if you are looking for a job, you most probably have come across some. When the question of hiring a professional CV writing service arises, usually, there are two opposite opinions on the subject. Some people think it’s quite arrogant of them…
How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internal Position or a Promotion
Writing a cover letter is very important, at least here for us at Linking Lines. If you follow us at all, by now, you probably know that cover letters can make or break you as a candidate. Therefore, considering how important they are, you’ve probably wondered how to write a cover letter. This goes even…
Writing a Cover Letter: Things to Do and Things to Avoid
Believe it or not, writing a cover letter is a big issue for most jobseekers! Sure, we’ve often talked about cover letters here on Linking Lines’ blog but only because they are very important. There are certain things you need to do and certain things you should avoid! The question of how to write a…
Do I really need to have several versions of a CV?
I know many jobseekers are wondering if they need to have several versions of a CV. This piece of advice is available online and if you’re well into your job search, you’ve probably heard about it, too! Well, the short answer is: YES. You do need to have several versions of a CV. The longer…