Questions & Answers

Career Solutions

What makes you different from other career services out there?

We don’t use templates and we produce optimised content that fits your personal needs. We keep adjusting our way of working to fit the modern-day job markets. We also guarantee increased replies to job applications after using our services.

Why should I hire you to help me with my career or job search?

There are several reasons:

1. You will get results. We have a proven track record of helping people get jobs in large corporations in different industries, government institutions, distinguished hotel chains, reputable retail stores, and so on.

2. We understand careers inside-out. Our expertise is a combination of our own real-life experience in the corporate world (ex-Apple), continuous learning and training, and practical exposure to various industries and position types thanks to the clients we work with.

3. You will save time, learn to see yourself in another light, and start thinking about your professional life differently.

Why should I pay you for a CV and cover letter when AI can generate those for me?

AI can and will generate it for you, but that is raw content that you should further adjust to suit your needs. It won’t make you stand out from the crowd, at least not in a good way. So, instead of wasting time and getting a generic CV and cover letter that everyone else who uses the same AI can get, put in your order, sit back and relax, and crush your job search with your new CV and cover letter.

What are the benefits of an optimised LinkedIn profile?

An optimised LinkedIn profile increases the number of profile views you get and it also positions you as a professional who is serious about their career. Recruiters and headhunters are more likely to find you organically, saving you the effort of reaching out to them. It is also a valuable asset in the eyes of hiring managers and your peers because you’ll have more credibility and get more networking opportunities.

How does career consulting work?

Simply select the session that suits your current needs. At the checkout page, attach your CV and LinkedIn profile. We’ll then get in touch to set a date and time.

Business Solutions

My company needs someone for the creative and admin side of things. Can you do it?

Absolutely, get in touch with your needs and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Can we hire you to do employee training?

Yes, you can, we just need to know your requirements and we’ll tailor a solution just for you.

I want to start a company but don’t know where to begin. Do you offer consulting services as well?

We do, send us an email outlining the area you need help with and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Would you be open to collaborating with our internal department or a third-party service provider?

Of course, we’re open to collaborating with other agencies or your own employees on a project, as long as duties and expectations are clearly defined.

Language Solutions

How does your translation service work?

You submit your document (text) that needs to be translated in order to get a quote and estimated delivery time. Then, we take it from there – payment and translation delivery in a pdf format.

What do you translate?

Everything and anything! We translate certificates and excerpts from all registers, court documents, medical records, website content, diplomas, articles, marketing materials, and books.

What language combinations do you cover?

There is an extensive list of trusted partners we collaborate with to ensure we cover as many languages as possible. German, French, Swedish, Croatian, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, Danish, Polish, and English are just some. To check if we can help with your translation needs, please, get in touch.

How can I get a quote for copywriting services?

Simply submit what you need and by when and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

How can I get a quote for editing services?

Simply submit what you need and by when and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.